Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm a mess... tee hee

What describes our lives?

Not what defines our life, but what describes it? A simple question.

A resume defines aspects of a persons life that would qualify them for the job.
But these are from the applicants point of view and can easily be elaborated on or lied about.
So you have the applicant give letters of recommendations.
Well, an applicant would be a fool not to ask someone who already liked them and would talk highly of the person in question.

Have you heard of employers who look on facebook to see more of your character?
I wonder what my friendslist on facebook says about me?
What about my hobbies and likes?
What about the fact that under religious views it says "Latter Day Saint?"

How about your car?
I have heard of employers that will go and look at your car and inside the windows.
What does a messy car say?
What if there is a Wendy's bag in the front seat?
What if it is spotless?

People say your bedroom can describe you.
Well, those that know me... know mine is often messy.
Does that mean my life is messy?
If a room was spotless, would it mean the persons life is in order.

So reverse the thinking.

What would a mom of ten kids house look like?
I think it would have a little mess here and there.
Maybe an ink stain on the carpet, a whole in the couch cushion, boogers on the youngest bedroom wall.
Full of character and stories and fun.
Does the mess in the house mean the mom is a bad mom?

What would a serial killers house look like?
(I know I watch way to much CSI, NCIS and such)
They are often perfectly clean, neat and organized.
Everything has its place.
Everything has order.
Things each have a purpose.
No nonsense
So does the clean house match the persons killer personality?

Just thinking... a little disorder can be a little good and may be the reason we are all still sane
Or maybe this is just a weird justification to put off cleaning my room one more day ;)