For my google reader sources, I found some helpful tools for future teaching and communication.
Future Releases from Human Kinetics- This is a source for finding books on general movement. It has books on wheelchair sports, water sports, dance, etc. This will be helpful to help me find future textbooks when dance ones show up. Also, it can be helpful for me to relate to students who do other things besides dance.
Research in Dance Education- Is a link to 82 articles about research done in Dance Education. It is abstracts from a book so it can give ideas for topics to teach in class.
UDEO- Is Utah Dance Education Organization. It is something I belong to as a teacher and by subscribing here, it is another link to their facebook which keeps me posted on upcoming events and worshops to continue my own education.
Dancing into the Future- My personal favorite site I found. It is a blog that posts current articles on many things dance educators talk about. It is a good source for current scholarly conversation. I could print off the articles and have my students read them.
Education Technology- A general subscription about teaching and technology to hopefully keep me current on technology trends that I can use in my teaching. With technology being such a huge part of students lives, it better for me to keep current then to loose touch with my students.
Great job! Just a comment that all of your text is one long link, so you should probably change that so just the part you want to be a link, is a link.